Monday, October 28, 2013

Image of a Tree

God just brought the coolest image to mind. There's a huge oak tree in my backyard at home. It's one of the oldest trees in the neighbor hood. Despite all the storms and hurricanes that we've had, the tree is standing tall and strong. Sometimes though, the branches fall down, but the core of the tree, the trunk and it's roots remain firm and strong.

This is life in Christ. Sometimes branches have to fall, but our roots and our trunk will stay standing tall. God knows that even when those branches fall, whether they are dead branches that were weighing us down or alive and things that brought us life, we will continue to stand tall in Him. The storms will come and knock us down, but those are just branches falling. When our hope is in Jesus Christ, when our identity is in Him, we will stand strong forever, rooted in Him. No storm will knock down oaks of righteousness.

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